Exile II is a tricky game to get established in. The missions are difficult, and the monsters are challenging. Still, there are many opportunities to get ahead, if you know where to look.
The first thing to do upon creating your party is go to the storehouses to the east, and grab everything you can. Don’t forget to search for secret doors in the northern walls - there are a few nice items in a hidden room. Also, look for gold behind the building you start in.
Be careful around Fort Ganrick now. Soon, it will be attacked by Nephilim while you are entering or leaving. Don’t hang around unless your party is in pretty good shape.
Now go to Fort Draco and buy a little better equipment. Stone axes, maces, etc. are nice. It’s time to start adventuring.
The best place to start is probably the dungeon directly underneath Fort Draco. It’s small, not too challenging, and very convenient to get back from. Going to Gunston’s Homestead is a good idea, too. The salamanders are a tough fight, but the reward is a good one.
There are now two dungeons to gain experience and treasure is: the Nephilim Castle and the Verdant Valley. It’s probably better to start at the Castle - there’s much more treasure on the monsters inside it. Do the small, secret cave to the north of the Nephilim Castle first (remember - you search for secret passages by walking into the walls). This is the best route to get inside the Castle. Also, be careful - it's easy to move too far in and get ambushed by monsters on the way out when you’re weak.
Most monsters in the Verdant Valley don’t have loot. On the other hand, they aren’t as tough as the monsters in the Nephilim Castle (for the most part), and there are two good piles of treasure in the place. The first is in the brigand’s lair in the northwest corner. The other is in the sub-dungeon filled with lizards you can find in the southeast corner of the dungeon. The treasure in the sub-dungeon is in a secret room. Again, walk into the cave walls to find it.
OK. Suppose you’re sick of these two dungeons. Now what? Well, the spiders across the river from Fort Duvno send you on a mission to fight the aranea. Aranea are tough, but they have a lot of loot, and the reward is lucrative. Someone in Formello sends you to a cult of priests and undead to the west. There's plenty of stuff to fight there, and a fair amount of loot.
After going through these adventures, your party should be tough enough to start exploring in earnest. One warning - when the Vahnatai spirit shows you the exit in Formello, don’t go down it too quickly. It’s a one way trip, and if you aren’t well prepared, you don’t stand a chance.